New Laws Define Your Responsibilities in a COVID-19 Outbreak
- December 15, 2020
- / FCIS Team
- / Uncategorized

On Sept. 17, Governor Gavin Newsom signed two bills, SB 1159 and AB 685, into law. These new laws, which are designed to help California workers stay safe at work and get the support they need if exposed to COVID-19, clarify employers’ responsibilities related to COVID-19 cases in the workplace. Here are the basics:
- It is now presumed that frontline employees are entitled to compensation for illness or death resulting from a workplace COVID-19 outbreak (this expands access to workers’ compensation).
- Employers who receive notice of potential COVID-19 exposure must notify their employees within one business day.
- In addition to reporting cases from Sept. 17 onward, employers must report any employee COVID-19 cases that occurred from July 6 to Sept. 16.
Want more information about the new laws and what they mean for you? Give us a call at (805) 523-8600 today!